Oak (2024)

Horror - 6 June 2024
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A group of teenagers dare each other to touch a cursed oak tree which leads to the disappearing of one of the group and another gets a rash on her palm leading to a battle for survival.

Director:  Kevin Lewis
Writers:  Phil Claydon, Scott Windhauser


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A group of teenagers dare each other to touch a cursed oak tree which leads to the disappearing of one of the group and another gets a rash on her palm leading to a battle for survival.

Collections: Kevin Lewis, Popular Movies

Genres: Horror


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Country:   United States
Language:  English
Release Date:  6 June 2024

Box Office

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What is Summary of Movie Oak?

A group of teenagers dare each other to touch a cursed oak tree which leads to the disappearing of one of the group and another gets a rash on her palm leading to a battle for survival.