Yeh Hai Bakrapur
- -The film's story revolves around the family of the Qureshis and their pet animal goat. Circumstances result in the goat acquiring rock star status in his village and beyond.
The film's story revolves around the family of the Qureshis and their pet animal goat. Circumstances result in the goat acquiring rock star status in his village and beyond.
Yeh Hai Bakrapur is available to watch on Jio Cinema and Netflix.
Yeh Hai Bakrapur is available on Rent at Google Play Movies, Youtube and Apple iTunes.
Yeh Hai Bakrapur can be purchased on Google Play Movies,Youtube and Apple iTunes for lifetime.
The film's story revolves around the family of the Qureshis and their pet animal goat. Circumstances result in the goat acquiring rock star status in his village and beyond.