-Vaalvi is a 2023 Malayalam drama movie, directed by Paresh Mokashi. The movie star Swapnil Joshi, Subodh Bhave, Shivani Surve, Anita Date-Kelkar in the lead role.
Vaalvi is a 2023 Malayalam drama movie, directed by Paresh Mokashi. The movie star Swapnil Joshi, Subodh Bhave, Shivani Surve, Anita Date-Kelkar in the lead role.
Vaalvi Is Streaming on Zee5 and Prime Video.
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Vaalvi is a 2023 Malayalam drama movie, directed by Paresh Mokashi. The movie star Swapnil Joshi, Subodh Bhave, Shivani Surve, Anita Date-Kelkar in the lead role.