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Tyson's Run (2022)

Drama - 4 March 2022
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An unathletic boy with autism strives to become an unlikely marathon champion giving his unfulfilled father purpose and a second chance at putting his family first.

Director:  Kim Bass
Writers:  Kim Bass


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An unathletic boy with autism strives to become an unlikely marathon champion giving his unfulfilled father purpose and a second chance at putting his family first.

Collections: Kim Bass, Popular Movies

Tagline: With each step comes the determination to take another.

Genres: Drama


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Country:   United States
Language:  English
Release Date:  4 March 2022

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What is Summary of Movie Tyson's Run?

An unathletic boy with autism strives to become an unlikely marathon champion giving his unfulfilled father purpose and a second chance at putting his family first.