The Tails of Boo-Boo & Cuddly Poo (2022)

Documentary - 29 April 2022
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The Tails of Boo-Boo and Cuddly Poo is a quirky documentary about the plight of stray animals in India with a focus on cruelty, abandonment, rescue and love.

Director:  Salil Jason Fernandez
Writers:  Urna Bose, Salil Jason Fernandez, Vikas Gaur, Mihir Mankar, Lisha Mansukhani, Ashiya McReynolds, Vinay Singh


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The Tails of Boo-Boo and Cuddly Poo is a quirky documentary about the plight of stray animals in India with a focus on cruelty, abandonment, rescue and love.

Genres: Documentary


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Country:   India
Language:  English, Hindi, Marathi
Release Date:  29 April 2022

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The Tails of Boo-Boo & Cuddly Poo Is Not Available To Watch On any Streaming platform.
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What is Summary of Movie The Tails of Boo-Boo & Cuddly Poo?

The Tails of Boo-Boo and Cuddly Poo is a quirky documentary about the plight of stray animals in India with a focus on cruelty, abandonment, rescue and love.