Poster for the movie "The Hundred Bucks"

The Hundred Bucks (2020)

UA 120 min - Drama - 21 February 2020
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THE HUNDRED BUCKS is an upcoming Bollywood film. Which is directed by Dushyant Pratap Singh And Produced by Rajnish Ram Puri, Sandeep Puri, Vibhav Tomar, Pratima Totla & Ritu Singh . The main cast of the film will feature actors like Kavita Tripathi, Dinesh Bawara, Zaid Shaikh & Rajesh Mishra. The film will be released in Indian cinemas on 21 February 2020 by Jai Viratra Entertainment Limited

Director:  Dushyant Pratap Singh


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THE HUNDRED BUCKS is an upcoming Bollywood film. Which is directed by Dushyant Pratap Singh And Produced by Rajnish Ram Puri, Sandeep Puri, Vibhav Tomar, Pratima Totla & Ritu Singh . The main cast of the film will feature actors like Kavita Tripathi, Dinesh Bawara, Zaid Shaikh & Rajesh Mishra. The film will be released in Indian cinemas on 21 February 2020 by Jai Viratra Entertainment Limited

Genres: Drama


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Country:   India
Release Date:  21 February 2020

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Runtime:  2 h 00 min

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What is Summary of Movie The Hundred Bucks?

THE HUNDRED BUCKS is an upcoming Bollywood film. Which is directed by Dushyant Pratap Singh And Produced by Rajnish Ram Puri, Sandeep Puri, Vibhav Tomar, Pratima Totla & Ritu Singh . The main cast of the film will feature actors like Kavita Tripathi, Dinesh Bawara, Zaid Shaikh & Rajesh Mishra. The film will be released in Indian cinemas on 21 February 2020 by Jai Viratra Entertainment Limited