Poster for the movie "Regardless"

Regardless (2023)

118 min - Drama - 29 September 2023
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The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.

Director:  Erdal Murat Aktaş
Writers:  Gürhan Özçiftçi, Ali Dündar, Cosku Kilic


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The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.

Genres: Drama


Official Website:
Country:   Germany Spain Turkey
Language:  Turkey, Germany, Spain
Release Date:  29 September 2023

Box Office

Budget:  $5,667,086

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 58 min

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Where To Watch Movie Regardless?

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What is Summary of Movie Regardless?

The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.