Poster for the movie "Ready"



A man teams up with his family to reform his girlfriend's two warring uncles who want to inherit her wealth.

Genres: Action, Comedy


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Hindi
Release Date:  3 June 2011

Box Office

Budget:  $5,800,000
Revenue:  $27,000,000

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Sohail Khan Production

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 20 min

Where To Watch Movie Ready?

Ready is available to watch on Netflix, Yupp Tv and Prime Video with subscription.
Ready is available on Rent at Google Play Movies and Youtube.
Ready can be purchased on Google Play Movies and Youtube for lifetime.

What is Summary of Movie Ready?

A man teams up with his family to reform his girlfriend's two warring uncles who want to inherit her wealth.