Poster for the movie "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio (2025)

Animation, Fantasy, Family, Drama - 18 February 2025
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Set during the rise of fascism in Mussolini's Italy, Pinocchio is a story of love and disobedience as Pinocchio struggles to live up to his father's expectations.

Director:  Guillermo del Toro


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Set during the rise of fascism in Mussolini's Italy, Pinocchio is a story of love and disobedience as Pinocchio struggles to live up to his father's expectations.

Collections: Popular Movies


Country:   France Mexico United States of America
Language:  English
Release Date:  18 February 2025

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Where To Watch Movie Pinocchio?

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What is Summary of Movie Pinocchio?

Set during the rise of fascism in Mussolini's Italy, Pinocchio is a story of love and disobedience as Pinocchio struggles to live up to his father's expectations.