Poster for the movie "Once You Know"

Once You Know (2021)

105 min - Documentary - 22 September 2021
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Today, like a ship entering the storm, the world faces climate change induced collapse. Once You Know, by director Emmanuel Cappellin, is a poetic and poignant exploration of how four of the world’s leading climate scientists and energy experts find truth, chaos, and hope in their work.

Director:  Emmanuel Cappellin



Today, like a ship entering the storm, the world faces climate change induced collapse. Once You Know, by director Emmanuel Cappellin, is a poetic and poignant exploration of how four of the world’s leading climate scientists and energy experts find truth, chaos, and hope in their work.

Genres: Documentary


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Country:   Bangladesh France Greece United States of America
Language:  English, French
Release Date:  22 September 2021

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Pulp Films

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 45 min

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What is Summary of Movie Once You Know?

Today, like a ship entering the storm, the world faces climate change induced collapse. Once You Know, by director Emmanuel Cappellin, is a poetic and poignant exploration of how four of the world’s leading climate scientists and energy experts find truth, chaos, and hope in their work.