Meri Pyaari Bindu
- -Abhimanyu Roy is stuck with writer's block until he decides to re-live the memories of his childhood sweetheart Bindu who aspires to be a successful singer and struggles to give Abhi the one thing he craves - stability.
Abhimanyu Roy is stuck with writer's block until he decides to re-live the memories of his childhood sweetheart Bindu who aspires to be a successful singer and struggles to give Abhi the one thing he craves - stability.
Meri Pyaari Bindu is available to watch on Prime video.
Meri Pyaari Bindu is available on Rent at Google Play Movies, Youtube and Apple iTunes.
Meri Pyaari Bindu can be purchased on Google Play Movies,Youtube and Apple iTunes for lifetime.
Abhimanyu Roy is stuck with writer's block until he decides to re-live the memories of his childhood sweetheart Bindu who aspires to be a successful singer and struggles to give Abhi the one thing he craves - stability.