Maujaan Hi Maujaan (2023)

Comedy - 8 September 2023
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3 brothers and 1 sister find love but have to tackle stigma due to their disabilities. Great action, comedy an romance.

Director:  Smeep Kang
Writers:  Naresh Kathooria, Shreya Srivastava, Vaibhav Suman


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3 brothers and 1 sister find love but have to tackle stigma due to their disabilities. Great action, comedy an romance.

Collections: Popular Movies

Genres: Comedy


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Punjabi
Release Date:  8 September 2023

Box Office

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Where To Watch Movie Maujaan Hi Maujaan?

Maujaan Hi Maujaan Isn't Streaming on any Platform.
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What is Summary of Movie Maujaan Hi Maujaan?

3 brothers and 1 sister find love but have to tackle stigma due to their disabilities. Great action, comedy an romance.