Poster for the movie "Je Jatt Vigad Gya"

Je Jatt Vigad Gya (2024)

Drama - 17 May 2024
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A man with anger issues sees his life change drastically when he goes to bring his pregnant sister home.

Director:  Maneesh Chandra Bhatt
Writers:  Janardhan Maharshi, Amarjit Singh Saron


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A man with anger issues sees his life change drastically when he goes to bring his pregnant sister home.

Collections: Popular Movies

Genres: Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Punjabi
Release Date:  17 May 2024

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Thind Motion Films

Technical Specs


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Who are the Actors of Movie Je Jatt Vigad Gya?

Where To Watch Movie Je Jatt Vigad Gya?

Je Jatt Vigad Gya Isn't Streaming on Subscription on any OTT Platform.
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What is Summary of Movie Je Jatt Vigad Gya?

A man with anger issues sees his life change drastically when he goes to bring his pregnant sister home.