Poster for the movie "F9"



Dominic Toretto and his crew battle the most skilled assassin and high-performance driver they've ever encountered: his forsaken brother.

Collections: Justin Lin, Popular Movies

Tagline: Justice is coming.

Genres: Action, Crime, Thriller


Official Website:
Language:  English, French, German, Spanish
Release Date:  19 May 2021

Box Office

Budget:  $200,000,000
Revenue:  $704,238,175

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 25 min

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Where To Watch Movie Fast & Furious (F9)?

Fast & Furious (F9) Is Not Available To Watch On any Streaming platform.
Fast & Furious (F9) Is Not Available On Rent At The Moment.
Fast & Furious (F9) Cant Be Purchased At The Moment.

What is Summary of Movie Fast & Furious (F9)?

Dominic Toretto and his crew battle the most skilled assassin and high-performance driver they've ever encountered: his forsaken brother.