Poster for the movie "Ella Bella Bingo"

Ella Bella Bingo (2020)

75 min - Animation, Family - 24 January 2020
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Ella Bella Bingo and Henry are best friends, but one day a new boy moves into the neighbourhood and everything changes.

Writers:  Frank Mosvold



Ella Bella Bingo and Henry are best friends, but one day a new boy moves into the neighbourhood and everything changes.

Tagline: Let the adventure begin!

Genres: Animation, Family


Official Website: 
Country:   Norway
Language:  Norwegian
Release Date:  24 January 2020

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Gimpville AS, Kool Produktion

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 15 min

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Where To Watch Movie Ella Bella Bingo?

Ella Bella Bingo Is Not Available To Watch On any Streaming platform.
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What is Summary of Movie Ella Bella Bingo?

Ella Bella Bingo and Henry are best friends, but one day a new boy moves into the neighbourhood and everything changes.