Ek Kori Prem Katha (2025)

Drama - 20 January 2025
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Ek Kori Prem Katha tells the tale of an uprising girl from a superstitious society, much like a social drama might occur. Women's rights and freedom were not properly maintained in that village. The rest of his film revolves around how the girl accomplished her aim and dealt with every influential person while standing up for herself.

Director:  Chinmay Purohit


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Ek Kori Prem Katha tells the tale of an uprising girl from a superstitious society, much like a social drama might occur. Women's rights and freedom were not properly maintained in that village. The rest of his film revolves around how the girl accomplished her aim and dealt with every influential person while standing up for herself.

Collections: Chinmay Purohit

Genres: Drama


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Country:   India
Language:  Hindi
Release Date:  20 January 2025

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What is Summary of Movie Ek Kori Prem Katha?

Ek Kori Prem Katha tells the tale of an uprising girl from a superstitious society, much like a social drama might occur. Women's rights and freedom were not properly maintained in that village. The rest of his film revolves around how the girl accomplished her aim and dealt with every influential person while standing up for herself.