Dekh Tamasha Dekh
- -Dekh Tamasha Dekh is a political and social satire based on a true story, it revolves around the search for the religious identity of a poor man crushed under the weight of a politician`s hoarding.
Dekh Tamasha Dekh is a political and social satire based on a true story, it revolves around the search for the religious identity of a poor man crushed under the weight of a politician`s hoarding.
Dekh Tamasha Dekh is available to watch on Eros Now and Jio Cinema.
Dekh Tamasha Dekh is available on Rent at Google Play Movies, Youtube and Apple iTunes.
Dekh Tamasha Dekh can be purchased on Google Play Movies,Youtube and Apple iTunes for lifetime.
Dekh Tamasha Dekh is a political and social satire based on a true story, it revolves around the search for the religious identity of a poor man crushed under the weight of a politician`s hoarding.