Poster for the movie "Control"

Control (2023)

Action, Thriller - 15 December 2023
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British Home Secretary Stella Simmons drives home one night while engaging in an affair with the Prime Minister. A mysterious man remotely hijacks her self-driving car, forcing her on a rampage through London

Director:  Gene Fallaize
Writers:  Gene Fallaize


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British Home Secretary Stella Simmons drives home one night while engaging in an affair with the Prime Minister. A mysterious man remotely hijacks her self-driving car, forcing her on a rampage through London

Tagline: Her Drive Home is a Killer

Genres: Action, Thriller


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  15 December 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Cupsogue Pictures

Technical Specs


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Where To Watch Movie Control?

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What is Summary of Movie Control?

British Home Secretary Stella Simmons drives home one night while engaging in an affair with the Prime Minister. A mysterious man remotely hijacks her self-driving car, forcing her on a rampage through London