Bye Sweet Carole (2024)

Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller - 26 June 2024
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Set in early 1900s, young Lana Benton, pushed by the gelid Mr. Kyn, must confront bizarre creatures in a mysterious dream garden as she follows the last traces of Carole, a girl who escaped from Bunny Hall, a 19th-century girls' orphanage.

Director:  Chris Darril
Writers:  Chris Darril, Mark Darin


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Set in early 1900s, young Lana Benton, pushed by the gelid Mr. Kyn, must confront bizarre creatures in a mysterious dream garden as she follows the last traces of Carole, a girl who escaped from Bunny Hall, a 19th-century girls' orphanage.


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Country:   United States
Language:  English
Release Date:  26 June 2024

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What is Summary of Movie Bye Sweet Carole?

Set in early 1900s, young Lana Benton, pushed by the gelid Mr. Kyn, must confront bizarre creatures in a mysterious dream garden as she follows the last traces of Carole, a girl who escaped from Bunny Hall, a 19th-century girls' orphanage.