Poster for the movie "Bergman Island"

Bergman Island (2021)

112 min - Drama - 14 July 2021
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An American filmmaking couple retreat to the island for the summer to each write screenplays for their upcoming films in an act of pilgrimage to the place that inspired Bergman. As the summer and their screenplays advance, the lines between reality and fiction start to blur against the backdrop of the Island's wild landscape.

Director:  Mia Hansen-Løve
Writers:  Mia Hansen-Løve



An American filmmaking couple retreat to the island for the summer to each write screenplays for their upcoming films in an act of pilgrimage to the place that inspired Bergman. As the summer and their screenplays advance, the lines between reality and fiction start to blur against the backdrop of the Island's wild landscape.

Genres: Drama


Country:   France Germany Sweden
Language:  English
Release Date:  14 July 2021

Box Office

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 52 min

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What is Summary of Movie Bergman Island?

An American filmmaking couple retreat to the island for the summer to each write screenplays for their upcoming films in an act of pilgrimage to the place that inspired Bergman. As the summer and their screenplays advance, the lines between reality and fiction start to blur against the backdrop of the Island's wild landscape.