Aggrasena (2023)

Drama - 23 June 2023
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Adhishesha the village leader who looks parents as God.Amar Viraj,the naughty cityboy, alienates adhishesha's father from him .So he takes amar's lover away and takes revenge.The gist is whether Amar gets his girl or Adhishesha his father.

Director:  Murugesh Kanappa
Writers:  Raghu Niduvalli


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Adhishesha the village leader who looks parents as God.Amar Viraj,the naughty cityboy, alienates adhishesha's father from him .So he takes amar's lover away and takes revenge.The gist is whether Amar gets his girl or Adhishesha his father.

Genres: Drama


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Country:   India
Language:  Kannada
Release Date:  23 June 2023

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What is Summary of Movie Aggrasena?

Adhishesha the village leader who looks parents as God.Amar Viraj,the naughty cityboy, alienates adhishesha's father from him .So he takes amar's lover away and takes revenge.The gist is whether Amar gets his girl or Adhishesha his father.