Poster for the movie "99 Songs"

99 Songs (2021)

UA 128 min - Music, Drama, Romance - 16 April 2021
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The film is a sensual story about art and self-discovery of a struggling singer who wants to be a successful music composer.



The film is a sensual story about art and self-discovery of a struggling singer who wants to be a successful music composer.

Genres: Music, Drama, Romance


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Hindi
Release Date:  16 April 2021

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Ideal Entertainment, Y M Movies, Jio Studios

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 08 min

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Where To Watch Movie 99 Songs?

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What is Summary of Movie 99 Songs?

The film is a sensual story about art and self-discovery of a struggling singer who wants to be a successful music composer.